Merchant Accounts:
We are the
go to resource for high risk merchant
accounts because we can A) get you approved
and B) provide excellent customer service
and C) offer incredible incentives and
profit sharing programs. We accept MLM's, Travel, Internet
Businesses, collection companies, ALL high risk except for porn
and gambling and anything shady.
Click Here to download a complete
list of most of the high risk merchant
accounts we can do. We have several
incentives you can offer that nobody else
offers such as a $100 gift card, a free
mobile billing and marketing app, data,
video production, web design, programming,
and a host of other products and services. We are the only
company in the industry that is willing to
offer all of these tools for business growth
if you process through us. We are also
looking for agents to help us. Please
contact us to switch to us or become an
Merchant Cash Advances:
Get a merchant cash advance
of up to $1 million right away to help
support or grow your business! Times
are tough and banks aren't lending to
businesses like they used to. Please
download our
pdf flyer by
clicking here to see how it works.
You can download our application by
clicking here if you'd like to move
forward ASAP.
You can download both the flyer and
agreements zipped by
clicking here
276.601.6931 |
ceo @ invisionholdings .com |